I refine your message to make sure it’s clear and convincing. Together we will answer the basic questions to ensure success:

  • Who are your target readers, your target audience?
  • What do you want them to do?
  • What is the best medium for reaching them?
  • What are the appropriate tone, style, and length for your message?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Following are two marketing strategies I helped my clients develop. What can I do for you?

Case 1: Start-up company making a splash in its market

  • Use a postcard mailing to announce yourself.
  • Follow up with a brochure with a special offer and a return-mail card.
  • Develop a sales letter using testimonials from satisfied customers.
  • Design your Web site to deliver the same messages as your other marketing materials.


From a mailing of 400 postcards to a targeted industry list, nearly 50 telephone inquiries were logged in the following month. Brochures mailed to interested customers led to several immediate jobs and more during the next two quarters.

Case 2: Established company with new products and services

  • Upgrade brochures to reflect improvements over previous products.
  • Rewrite product manuals and quick-start guides for great “out-of-the-box experience” for purchasers.
  • Use targeted e-mail to distributors to generate excitement for new product.
  • Use a tailored Web site to promote the product separately from your main corporate site.


After e-mailing distributors over $40,000 in new orders were placed; continued response led to near-capacity production for the next six months. Customer feedback about product literature has been very positive and technical support calls have declined.